Great installs don’t just happen – they take excellent installers at the helm to bring them together, and Alec Harrold is exactly that. A Hug Award recipient, Alec walks into each day with a smile and a plan to make sure your installation is his best work yet. Learn more about Alec below!
Name: Alec Harrold
Location: Indianapolis, IN
How long have you been with RJE and what do you do at our company?
I’m an installer, and I like to say I’ve been “around” RJE for 6 years. It’s officially 2 years. 😊
What led you to RJE?
The atmosphere and culture.
What has been your favorite project so far?
Endress + Hauser or John Boner.
What is your favorite thing about working at RJE?
I really appreciate that my input and ideas are given value and taken into consideration.
Describe RJE in three words
Professional, engaging, friendly
What does hugging your customer mean to you?
To be attentive to their individual needs, brand/culture, and expectations.
What does an inspiring space include in your eyes?
Collaborative, open, friendly, and personalized.
What can customers expect from working with you?
They can expect me to quickly understand the scope of what they need, and trust me to facilitate that efficiently and responsibly.
What is your current favorite product from Allsteel and its portfolio of brands?
Describe yourself in three words.
Ambitious, observant, consciousness
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
Probably like a realistic zombie survival story.
What emoji do you use the most?
😂 Laughing crying face emoji.
Favorite way to spend your free time
Learn new things/expose my kids to new things.
Salty or sweet?
Favorite place you have ever been
White lake, WI.
Favorite downtown Indy spot
Iozzo’s garden of Italy. Summertime on the patio. ☀️
Do you think you would make a good spy?
Not a chance. Ever seen The Recruit on Netflix? It’d be something like that.
Any personal mantra or words to live by that you follow?
Try not to be a man of success, but rather a man of value.